Reading a speech effectively
Reading a speech effectively
The ability to effectively and naturally deliver a speech that has been written for you is one talent most speakers, especially politicians, need to possess. Unfortunately, very few are able to articulate such a speech effectively. We have some guidelines for you.
Guidelines to reading a speech effectively and articulately
Guidelines to reading your speech articulately and effectively
1. You need to believe in the abilities of the speech writer 2. You need to share a common understanding or stand on the topic at hand
3. Familiarise yourself with the speech and with the material involved; and edit as needed
4. Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse
5. Rehearsing the speech makes it appear natural; it becomes your own speech and your audience may not pick up that it has been written for you. In othe words, personalize your speech.
6. Emphasize your points and harmonise/reconciliate
Reading your speech articulately: the importance of power speaking
How to criticise constructively
Preparation is key to reading a speech effectively
Know yourself