
We all experience a certain level of anxiety, stress and fear when we are faced with a job recruitment process. The processes differ, but generally, they can be very lengthy and quite taxing & intimidating. Needless to say, however, job interviews are unavoidable if you are in the market for a job. Love them or hate them, interviews and/or how you handle them, will either make or break your chances of a landing that job/position you so much desire. You therefore need to prepare thoroughly for this recruitment procedure.


"Creating a good first impression"

Give a good 1st impression: "how to create a good first impression"

Unlike with a presentation or a public address, that all important first impression in this case starts before you are even invited for the interview.

Your curriculum vitae (CV) or resume and your application/covering letter speak volumes about you and your suitability for the position even before the recruiter(s) get to lay eyes on you. Your application creates/represent an image of you.

By all means, avoid typos/typing errors, spelling mistakes, and flashy, colourful or smart fonts. Put yourself in the recruiter's shoes.

Your interviewer is looking for the best person for the company

Motivation for interviews

Getting that job has a lot to do with how you interview - how you listen, present yourself and your points or how you answer

Again, I repeat, put yourself in the recruiter's shoes. Ask yourself what is it they are looking for and provide that. Selling or marketing yourself, and your skills is about what you can offer the company.

Leave fear behind; do not entertain it. Soon you'll be out of that boardroom/office and you want to leave them impressed. As someone once said "remember rule number one, don't let them scare you!" They are human too, with faults just like you.

Quick interview tips

1. Prepare yourself so that you at least feel confident to answer any questions.

2. Learn as much as possible about the job, what it entails and about the organisation/company.

3. List your skills/competencies and have examples of how you were able to apply them in the past.

4. Have a good night'sleep the night before and have everything you need ready.

5. Look and smell presentable. Do not overdo anything (make-up, fragrance, colours)

6. Smile

7. Relax. You already know more than you think.

8. Don't be late for your interview!

I wish you all the best in your career.

The Ultimate Guide To Job Interview Answers! - Four years of interview success...

This ebook will help with interviews too

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