How to introduce a speaker/speakers

How to introduce a speaker/speakers

How a speaker is introduced is critical in public speaking. Introductions set the pace for the whole speech and prepare the audience to be more attentive and receptive of the speaker/speech.

Most introducers spoil the introduction by providing too much irrelevant information, and/or dragging the introduction too long. As with presentations, it is crucial that the introducer prepares to introduce the speaker(s).

How to properly introduce a speaker: Do's and Dont's of speaker introductions

How to introduce a speaker/speakers: What to do and what not to do

1. Prepare – you have a job and it is to arouse the audience’s interest and get the most attention – and the desired outcome.

2. Call the speaker(S) beforehand to get the details right – the correct pronunciation of their names; how they would like to be introduced; their brief background.

3. Be short and brief

4. Know the purpose of the meeting/presentation

How to introduce a speaker – The Don’ts.

When introducing a speaker, Do not:

1. Do not be too detailed or too long. You are not the speaker, so don’t take his/her time. Three minutes at the most.

2. Do not give irrelevant details about the speaker’s family, for instance, if the occasion doesn’t call for those details. Only give family backgrounds if the nature of the presentation allows.

It is important to understand that, your small speech, referred to as an introduction of guest speakers or speakers should be structured. It should consist of an introduction, a body and a conclusion – all in a short space of time. The introduction should link to the previous speech or say something about the speaker; then the body should refer to the purpose and how the speaker fits in; and finally conclude by calling the speaker, and saying the title of their presentation or speech.


How to introduce a speaker: ice-breakers

Introductions also need to have an 'opening'