How to develop and improve your listening skills

How to develop and improve your listening skills

People talk all the time but somebody seldom listens. Listening is an art and a skill. It can make or break relationships and can compromise your image as a business person, a speaker or a presenter. Your body language - head nodding, agreeing sounds - all make the other person feel important because they have your complete and undivided attention. Excellent listening skills and techniques take some training to develop.

Here are some ways of improving your listening skills and becoming a better listener

How to develop and improve your listening skills - we give you effective tips on improving your listening skills and becoming a better listener

1. You have to change your attitude first. have respect for people, no matter who they are and pay everyone some attention. Don't interrup people whe they speak - that is pure disrespect. "Listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant - tey too have their story." - Desiderata

2. Slow down, don't be hasty. Don't be in a hurry all the time. People hate it when you ask them how they are yet never really listen to what they have to say in response. Be ready and willing to listen to the answer when you ask "how are you doing?"

3. Do not be self-righteous, be open to different points of view, opinions, beliefs and different ways of thinking. Be positive, encouraging and respectful whether you agree or not. You'll be afforded your chance to speak or respond - and always respond positively even in disagreement.

How to develop and improve your listening skills - being assertive

Listening can put you way ahead of the pack in business