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Straight Talk, Issue #23 -- We appreciate Teachers March 12, 2008 |
, do you like teaching? In this Issue of Straight-Talk! newsletter ~ 1. Teaching 2. Quotes on Teaching 3. A challenge 4. Regular: Our vision & purpose
============================================= "A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove . . . . but the world maybe different because I was important in the life of a child." ~ Kathy Davis ============================================= 1. Do you like Teaching as a profession? ============================================= Most people, because of the amount of work involved in teaching and the unappreciative low salaries teachers generally receive, forget how valuable the profession really is. We forget how much of a strain talking for hours can put on a Teacher's voice, and how much of a pain it can sometimes be to lead and direct a class full of noisy pupils - kids being kids.
As if being a Teacher isn't hard enough, Teachers have to also be good presenters - they have to be very good at public speaking, engaging their "audience" and involving them in activities.
3. A challenge for you ============================================== Make a difference in your child's teacher's life by simply walking up to them and telling them how much you appreciate what they do. If you don't have a child or a school-going child, find your own former teacher and "make their career"!
============================================== 3. Quotes that honour Teachers ==============================================
"To learn and never be filled, is wisdom; to teach and never be weary, is love." ~ Unknown ----------------- "A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though, awakens your own expectations." ~ Patricia Neal quotes ----------------- "I consider myself a teacher at heart and I still believe that someday I will be a professional one." ~ Sofia, ============================================= 3. Our Vision and purpose ============================================= Here in, we believe in the power of words. We believe in the absolute necessity and importance of enhanced & effective delivery of speeches to create better understanding, empowerment and information. Talk should teach, guide, heal, empower and inspire. It should not destroy, demean, lie, gossip, cheat, swear, or destroy - that kind is cheap and useless. That is our vision and that is what we stand for. Should you wish to receive this free ezine directly into your mailbox, subscribe by visiting: Get a free copy of my 5-page e-book entitled - "My web-marketing experience" - when you subscribe. ================================================ I appreciate all your efforts and unfailing support. Thank you for your love, support and words of encouragement & appreciation for what I do. From me, Sofia and the team, You -Stay Blessed! ==================================================== "In great attempts, it is glorious even to fail." ~ Cassius Longinus ==================================================== **You may forward this e-mail to others - actually, I would appreciate it if you do. Thank you for reading my newsletters and for spreading them** |
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