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Straight Talk, Issue #008 -- What if you remembered everything you needed to remember? May 30, 2007 |
, Remember What You Can In Quick and Easy Steps In this Issue of Straight-Talk! newsletter: 1. What if you could remember all you need to remember? 2. Remember What You Can In Quick and Easy Steps 3. Some memory quotes 4. What we are about 5. Videotour ============================================ 1.,What if you could remember everything you want to remember - everytime?! Your life would improve, wouldn't it? Certainly! Your confidence would rise and you'll feel smarter and more effective in every sphere of your life. If you were presenting or speaking in public, you would always remember the important points and if you were doing a business presentation, your sales would multiply as clients fall in love with your eloquence and effectiveness. No one could honestly say they don't wish to have their memory function at its optimal. ============================================ 2. It is possible - Remember What You Can/Should In Quick and Easy Steps You might have heard of Mnemonics and how they can help you improve your memory. Mnemonics aren't difficult or tiresome activities; in fact, it's as if there's no pressure when doing the actual memorization because of how simple and pleasant the steps can be. An example of a mnemonic method is the Loci System. A good scenario when the loci system can be effectively used is when a person has several items or a list needed for immediate remembering. Visit any of the links below to learn more about the Loci System and other memory improvement techniques: Increase your mind's ability to memorize! Learn considerable techniques, not tricks for your memory to improve. Discover how to do it - the natural and convenient way of enhancing your mind’s capacity to remember information and to never forget again. ============================================ 3. Memory Quotes “Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.” ~ Authour unknown “The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche “No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.”~ Abraham Lincoln "Memory is what tells a man that his wife's birthday was yesterday." ~ Mario Rocco "The existence of forgetting has never been proved: We only know that some things don't come to mind when we want them." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche For more quotes, please visit:
============================================ 4. Our Vision Here in, we believe in the power of words. We believe in the necessity of enhanced and effective delivery of speeches to create better understanding, empowerment and information. Talk should teach, guide, heal, empower and inspire. It should not destroy, demean, lie, gossip, cheat, swear, or destroy. That kind is cheap and useless. That is our vision and that is what we stand for. If you wish to receive this free ezine directly into your mailbox, subscribe by clicking on this link: Get a free copy of my 5-page e-book entitled - "My web-marketing experience" - when you subscribe. ============================================ 4. Take a videotour and see the process that I and many other web site owners, have foloowed in building our web sites. If you thought building a web site requires technical knowledge of anything, you are in for a nice surprise. Watch chapter 4 of the video for that.
Click here for a videotour of the process Other videos to watch (these were made by other impressed webmasters or web site owners):
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"In great attempts, it is glorious even to fail." - Cassius Longinus ............................................ ............................................ **You may forward this e-mail to others -actually, I would appreciate it if you do. Thank you for reading my newsletters and for spreading them** ............................................ |
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